
Pi Kyc Verification – Best Step by Step

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Many people have been facing so many issues performing their pi kyc verification, here we are going to give you the best simplest step by step on how to perform pi kyc verification in 2023.


On the 14th of march 2023 a mass pi kyc verification was released by the core team, which means everyone can now do their kyc without waiting for invitation. But before we unveil the step by step on how to perform pi kyc verification here are the requirements for the verification to be successful

Pi Mainnet Transfer Essentials

Please follow these steps to prepare for the transfer of your Pi Mobile Balance to the Mainnet

  1. Download pi browser – for Android users click here to Download On Playstore
  2. Create pi wallet
  3. Confirm your Pi Wallet
  4. Commit to lockup configuration
  5. Submit your KYC Application
  6. Wait for KYC Results
  7. Sign Acknowledgement to Receive Tokens
  8. Migrate to Mainnet

Download Pi Browser

Download the Pi Browser App from the iOS App Store/Google Play Store. There, you can create a non-custodial Pi Wallet, verify KYC and access other Pi apps. The Pi Browser is essential to complete multiple steps of the Mainnet transfer.

Also Read:  How to complete your Avive Kyc Verification Phase 1

Create Pi Wallet

The Pi Wallet is where you receive and store your Pi on the Pi Blockchain. Find the wallet app in the Pi Browser. Click here to know how to create pi wallet


Confirm Pi Wallet

After creating your pi wallet You need to confirmed that your Mainnet balance will be transferred to the address provided


Commit To Lockup Configuration

You can voluntarily commit to lock up a portion of your Transferable Balance for a boosted mining rate, effective March 14, 2022. The lockup configuration is binding upon commitment, so the amount and duration of the lockup cannot be changed before your first Mainnet transfer.

Note: Pioneers must commit to a lockup setting to be eligible for Mainnet Migration, even if they decide not to lock up any Pi.

Submit your KYC Application

KYC (Identity Verification) is a prerequisite to transfer your Mobile Balance to the Mainnet blockchain.

Wait for KYC Results

KYC results will depend on identity verification, your name matching with your Pi account, screening against government AML and anti-terrorism sanction list, and if the account has scripting or policy-violation history.

Sign Acknowledgement to Receive Tokens

Congratulations, you have been added to the automatic migration queue!

Your transferable balance will be migrated into your wallet on the Mainnet blockchain. After the transfer to the Mainnet, there will be a 14-day pending period. The unlocked portion will be free to use immediately after the 14-day pending period, while the locked portion will be transferable only after the expiration of your selected lockup duration.


Also Read:  Ice Network KYC 3 Questions and Answers

Migrate to Mainnet

You will be automatically added to the Migration Queue if you have finished steps 1-7

Step By Step On How To Perform Pi Kyc Verification in 2023

After performing the Pi Mainnet Transfer Essentials 1 – 4 the next thing to do is to perform you pi kyc verification

Pi Network kyc requirements in Nigeria

To be able to perform pi kyc verification you need any of the below documents as a Nigerian

  • International passport
  • National ID card ( permanent NIN or the Premium NIN)
  • Driving License

Note the NIN slip is not accepted only the permanent NIN or the Premium NIN click here to know how to get your premium NIN

Pi kyc Verification Procedure

Follow below step

  1. Open your pi browser
  2. Click on kyc
  3. Enter your details
  • First name
  • Middle name (optional)
  • Surname
  • Date of birth as it appears on your ID
  • Choose ID type ( international passport, NIN or driving license)
  • Document ID number
  • Your address Address
  1. Click on next
  2. Scan your ID card (front and back)
Pi Kyc Verification - Best Step by Step
Pi Kyc Verification - Best Step by Step
  1. Click on save
  2. Take a video selfie
  3. The submit
  4. Wait for your kyc approval. You will see a message like this Pi Kyc Verification - Best Step by Step

Congratulations you have successfully completed your pi kyc verification the next thing is to sign Acknowledgement to receive token and then your pi will be transferred to your pi wallet which you submitted earlier.

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Also Read:  How to Get Rubi Block (RBL) for Kyc 1.5 Verification: Risk Free Ways


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